Quarried as boulders in the State of Utah, USA
Honeycomb Calcite is a stable carbonate mineral of calcium carbonate (CaCO3).
Properties of the stone can be found below under ‘Physical Properties of
Honeycomb Calcite.” Honeycomb Calcite is a crystal form of calcite that is
transparent and translucent. It is different from other minerals such as Onyx and
Alabaster. The crystals that make up a stone are each contained in a ‘cell’ of white
dense calcite, thus producing the honeycomb look or other patterns (see
photographic examples under ‘Typical Stone Patterns’ below).
The translucent nature of the stone, is derived from its crystal structure which
passes light from one crystal to the next; and the corresponding refracted light
illuminates adjacent crystals. Within the stone, varying thickness of the white
calcite makes-up the boundary each cell and effects how the individual crystals in
each cell hold or reduce light. This allows each cell to stand-out visually.
Color is related to concentrations of Sulfur and Iron during the stone’s formation.
Variation in color is correlated with the stone’s thickness. The thinner the stone is
cut the lighter the color – the thicker the stone the darker, richer the color. The
color ranges from sunshine lemon yellow glow to a golden-honey, or, a rich amber.
This combination of color and light transmission through the stone’s cells are the
basis of Honeycomb Calcite’s beauty.
Every stone is unique and the customer is encouraged to experiment with
illuminating the stone with natural lighting, candles, a custom lighting arrangement
to your personal satisfaction. For almost all cored-cylinders 10” or below in height,
a single votive candle inside the cylinder will illuminate the entire stone. Slabs,
tiles, sconces, chandeliers or sculptures, may require a custom lighting
arrangement if natural lighting is not the intended illumination of the piece.
Header Photos courtesy of Colors of the Wind LLC
email inquiries to info@stoneproducts.biz or phone 480-620-5386
Carbonates/Calcite Group
Chemical Composition
Average, 170 lb/ft3 (per ASTM C-97)
Water Absorption 0.030% (per ASTM C-97)
Specific Gravity
2.6 - 2.8 (per ASTM C-97)
Compressive Strength
7,841 lb/in2 (per ASTM C-170)
Modulus of Rupture
1,011 lb/in2 (per ASTM C-99)
Abrasion Resistance 8.21 lb/in2 (per ASTM C-241)
Flexural Strength 369 lb/in2 (per ASTM C-880)
Honey, yellowish-orange
This particular variety of calcite is found in northeastern Utah, USA
** Note: For a PDF document of the ASTM test results, click HERE